Request a sing

Our Request a Sing flyer

To request a sing for yourself or someone you’re caring for, please email us at or phone 022 355 6954. We’ll respond promptly to discuss how we can provide our service. 

We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the comfort of those who are dying, through song. As singers, we experience a deep sense of gratitude and privilege to be present at this sacred time and in this sensitive and special time.

Our Policy regarding photographs, video or audio recording of our singers:

We understand that family, patients and/or caregivers might want a photo or recording of our singing that can be shared with others, or watched again later. Our singers may find it distracting if we’re being photographed or video’d while we’re singing. A casual recording (on a phone, for instance) or a photo before or after our singing can be appropriate, but please discuss this with the group leader who will contact you to organise our visit. In addition, permission must be sought from the patient (or next of kin) and any other people present who might be in the picture. It’s important to us that these recordings/photos are used only by patients and those close to them, and not shared on social media.

I was lost for words. Your singing was beautiful and brought
a great sense of warmth, calm and peace.

The singing can open a space of tenderness that may not have been available
before, enabling connection, and at the same time a softening and loosening
into the letting go and grieving processes. (Te Hopai home and Hospital)

The power of music and melody, particularly the human singing voice,
is outstanding in its ability to heal and comfort. (Millvale House)

Their singing was beautiful and the choice of songs was like a balm
or meditation. I felt able to relax and let the music wash over me.